Release weight

for the last time, take back your power and step into


No more secretly believing you won't ever lose weight and 'settling' for less than your best.

There's a missing link in coaching, therapy, and the law of attraction industry that is keeping you 

 S  T  U  C  K!

We're on a mission to change that!

Client Highlights ♡

it’s like clunk clunk clunk ......its just fallen into place, I finally understood what you’ve been saying.  It’s NOT the food.  It’s the way I equip my body to metabolise emotions and food and thoughts and the food is just one of the many things - one of the many inputs.“

"Another totally unexpected blessing occurred whilst I worked with Joan. She showed me a way to heal my relationship with my parents, in a way that was gentle, but insistent! I’d long had a fractious relationship with them, and could only ‘tolerate’ very short visits with them, after which I would spend several weeks mulling over all that was said and done, overthinking everything, and generally working myself into a state. This made such a difference to me, to my children and grandchildren. We spent several weeks together last year, and I could actually say ‘I love you’ to each of them.”  ....Wendy C.

Core universal beliefs

Why does that sense of powerlessness activate our nervous system?

It's usually connected to either a deep sense of devastating disappointment and loss OR a sense of being all alone and separate (from others and the Universe / God).

And often there's a belief that holds that connection between powerlessness and loss / abandonment in place:

"The Universe is against me" - "God doesn't favor me" - "Life is a struggle" - "There's the haves and have nots, you're born into that. I'm a have not" - "My being born into this life was a mistake". 

Escape alter egos: which ones show up for you? Desperate Deena? Independent Ivy? Chaotic Carl?

Introducing: Throw It To the U™  "where Magic happens" 

Introducing: Throw It To the U

Your nervous system isn't the problem...

Throw It To The U is a unique program that can be taken as a DIY online course, a small group program (with both Femke and Joan) - or in a 1-on-1 intimate coach setting. Depending on your wants and needs.  Choose the option that is right for you. All options include the online course modules and a playbook for journalling your experience + your own private portal access 24/7

      6 - MODULES


Module 1: Introduction

In this first module, you'll learn how to become the conscious creator of your own life and how to step back from your escape alter egos. We'll also build the foundation for transformation, where alignment and trust go hand in hand.. Weight loss from this state becomes an entirely different experience.


Module 2: Uncover your core subconscious belief 

In this module, you will learn how to identify and unravel your emotions, enabling you to recognize the sensation of 'powerlessness' and the deeply rooted emotions (behind that sensation) that you have suppressed. We'll help you shift focus from your mind to your body, using this awareness to uncover the core subconscios beliefs that link the powerlessness- pain connection.(This is gold!)


Module 3: Clear your core subconscious belief 

In Module 3, we'll work on separating powerlessness from your core subconscious belief. The goal is to develop a 'tolerance' for experiencing powerlessness without activating your nervous system. (a valuable discernment) At the end of this module, I'll guide you through the clearing process and help you access this distinction more rapidly through a fun visualization.


Module 4: The U-essence link

Clients often start noticing a shift away from what is keeping them stuck at this point. The focus is no longer on the core subconscious belief. Instead, it turns towards discovering your U-essence. This is where you learn how to feel deeply grounded in your connection with yourself and your relationship with what is beyond your control (the U - also known as the Universe or God ), building a deep sense of trust both in yourself and in this invisible source.


Module 5: Expansion and Alignment

Your U-Essence serves as the foundation for increasing your ability to discern sensations of powerlessness (in your body) and embracing surrender, letting go, feeling carefree, and finding joy. It enables you to welcome these emotions as part of your daily experience, gain clarity, make better decisions, and align with your more ambitious goals and dreams, BEYOND weight loss. The intention is for weight loss to be a by-product of you living your best life, fully sovereign and aligned with your wildest dreams, or simplest desires. (YOU get to choose.)


Module 6: Throw It To The U

And finally, we focus on those desires, BEYOND weight loss, and co-create with the U, (the Universe, God, Source) using your imagination and skills you've embodied during the programme. You'll experience a shift from control and tension to peace, ease, and relaxation, freeing you from old habits and beliefs of the past. This is where you fully step into sovereignty over your mind, body, emotion system and where you know that weight problems are a thing of the past.. Life BEYOND weight loss is looking very exciting and magical now you can  happily THROW IT TO THE U™. 

What makes Throw It To The U different

This program isn't another 'mindset approach' that merely scratches the surface or pushes you deeper into escape mode. It transcends all of that, taking the entire mind-body-emotion system into account. (It's key that you experience shifts n the body, not just in your head. ) 

Our clients have experienced amazing results, from losing 30lbs effortlessly to signing on 10 new clients to lovingly reconciling with family members after many years of friction. These are all results of doing the work and even though we focus primarily on weight loss in this programme, there is a ripple effect that plays across all your life areas including relationshiips, money and lifestyle.

The only 'discipline' you'll need, is committing to the shifts that you are guided through in the program. The rest will come naturally and with ease as you embody your new way of being....

Ready to get started?

Below are the ways we can work together in this unique, transformational programme. If you have any questions please contact me via Facebook (  ♡ 

Throw It To 

the U™

Online Only

Self-study Programme

USD $695

  • 6 modules with videos and guided visualisations
  • Online playbook (fillable)
  • Life-time access to all modules
  • Support in FB group
  • Immediate start

 Life BEYOND  Weight Loss

1 on 1  

  USD $3300

  • Initial 90 minute exploration
  •   7 x  tailored coaching sessions
  •  Recorded copies of all sessions   
  • Full Playbook, and lifetime access to guided visualisations, processes and practices. 

Throw It To 

the U™ GOLD

Hybrid Package

Personal/Group Coaching


  • Everything in online only+Playbook +  recordings and visualizations.
  • 2 1-on-1 coaching sessions (2 hours each) with Joan
  • 10 weekly group sessions with TITTU Founder, Femke Mortimore 
  • Support from other participants  +FB group

Once you register to work with Joan or in the Hybrid Programme with Joan and Femke, you will recieve an access link to the programme and everything you need to get started immediately. The online-only programme has a simple step-by-step process, which you can take at your own pace. In the 1-on-1 Platinum programme, you will be immediately allocated a private client portal to access everything. I have included a Journal area and the opportunity to connect with me 24/7 via the portal. This immediate access to support ensures that you never feel alone in your weight loss journey or unable to access support when you need it.  We're a team from day one! ♡


Do I get life-time access to the online course?

Yes, you do. The speed with which people go through the program varies, depending on how much time they can allocate, and how stubborn those escape mechanisms are. You don't want to feel like you have to rush through it. So you get unlimited access and go at your own pace, revisit the videos and guided visualizations as many times as you like and need. 

How much time should I allocate per week when going through the program?

This really depends on your own preferences. I do recommend that you build in a daily morning and/or evening routine, so you stay sharp and on top of things. You are building new neural networks and that requires repetition. 

Does this work for any goal? What if I want to lose weight, make more money, find a soulmate?

This work transcends and includes any kind of goal you want to focus on. In the beginning of the program you set out with a specific goal (or goals) in mind and you'll find that you'll experience a change for the better across all areas of your life. 

What modalities is this work based on?

Throw It To The U is a combination of somatic experiencing and Neuro-Semantics, and it has incorporated key principles from Quantum Physics. Beyond that, the program is unique in that it addresses an important missing link not found in coaching, therapy, or LOA work. 

will i get the same results from the online only (DIY) versus the hybrid program?

This really depends on a few different things. First, there is your level of commitment and ability to self start. And second, it depends on how much you've already done in terms of training and how much awareness you have of your body. I have had people who just bought the playbook get the results they wanted, but usually they've already done a lot of work prior to finding this work. If you aren't sure which program is best for you, then go ahead and reach out to me at I'd be happy to help you make an informed decision. 

Hi, I'm Joan, my wish for you...

A lot of women have been stuck in their patterns for years, sometimes even decades, and traditional coaching or therapy hasn't helped. I've worked with women who are successful in weight loss, but so stressed that they are close to burnout. (And still never felt 'good' enough.)

I've seen women make decisions out of fear and spend money on strategies and "gurus" that promise the world, but don't offer any substance. I want to assure you that this program isn't like that. I've been deeply dedicated to all things coaching and the brain for 20+ years and this program delivers what it promises.

My wish for you is that you get to experience genuine success (BEYOND weight loss) feeling free in your mind, body, and soul, and deeply trusting in your personal sovereignty and that invisible force that always has your back.

Joan  ♡