Hi, I'm Joan,
I work with smart, savvy spiritually aware women who have spent too many years yo-yo dieting and are beyond ready to lose weight for the last time.
We've been led to believe that when we lose weight our lives will change and everything we've ever wanted will miraculously appear!
Life isn't like that. We need to BE happy first. Then the weight falls off. Or at least it starts the ball rolling. And that's good news because it confirms there is nothing wrong with you,
It makes sense too, because as a smart, savvy and otherwise successful woman there is no other reason for you not to have figured this all out and lost the excess weight by now. Right?
And all of that starts on the inside. And the best news is that everything you need to change is already inside you. Life got in the way that's all.
There is another way ♡
There is another way, a way that doesn't rely on dieting or exercise - but where the real 'problem' lies, in your neurology.
And once we discover, and transcend old patterns, de-matrix what never really served you and shine a light on your essence, freedom will be yours in ways you never imagined.
I do this in three phases. The Clearing/healing phase.. the Awakening Phase and the Creation phase where you step into a new future fully loaded with everything you need - from the inside out.
Each phase introduces you to different ways of being - that you wil learn and practise in your daily life and becomes embodied in your neurology over time. It becomes your new 'normal'.
And sometimes, because we go so deep and unearth such 'wonders' you quickly latch on to what has REALLY been holding you back and everything else literally 'falls away'. Especially when you become acquainted with your essence and the mystery and magic it holds in such practical and life-enhancing ways.
Weightloss becomes a thing of the past and you start to focus on what you really want to experience, beyond weight loss. And I know this sounds a little far-fetched but it isn't! Neuroplasticity is here to stay and as you learn, grow and transcend during this programme you will experience change from the inside out.
The difference is that YOU will be fully aware of what is happening on the inside (when you transcend) and will no longer look for ways to avoid or escape the feelings or go back to thinking "I'm never going to lose weight, it's for others, not me. -----. And I LOVE that! Those days are GONE!
This programme is unlike anything you have experienced. It's unique, a little radical and will give you the means to become Sovereign over you mind, body and emotion system putting you back at cause in your life. And that is priceless! ♡ Team that with your new relationship to essence and the Universe (or God, or source) and you will be unstoppable.
I Can help you with that
If any of this rings true for you, then Coaching is
your next BEST step. If ......
- You find yourself mindlessly grabbing a drink or a snack when you get home.
- You know what you need to do, and planned to do, you just don't do it.
- You know you’re brilliant at your work…that's never been challenged. But when you can't say no to food, and mean it, you begin to wonder who the hell you really are!
- You just want to feel safe, loved, respected and not so alone. And to have fun again without worrying about what others are thinking about you.
- You yearn to discover your essence even if you don't know what that means yet.
- You feel a deep calling to know what is beneath the surface-level life you're living
When Essence meetsSovereignty your life changes exponentially and what used to hold you back is no longer on the radar. Weight loss is a given.
Join Us
Allow me to guide you as you lose weight for the last time, without guilt, shame or diets. Learning about yourself and how you operate on the inside is so much more useful and transformational than any diet out there..
Getting to know your inner thoughts feelings, behaviours and actions puts you instantly ahead of the pack. You need nothing else but a curious mind, a little vulnerability and the willingness to trust yourself (and me) enough to step into your innate power, and experience the Joy that awats you.
Follow this link ...... and step back into Sovereignty, Essence and the Joy of living your best life - beyond weight loss.