This is the final piece of the 3-part yo-yo dieting puzzle to help make sense of why losing weight and keeping it off for the long term can be so challenging.
In part 1, we talked about the dieting cycle. In part 2, we delved into your relationship with food, and in this post, I want to explain why the weight you lost comes back to bite you on the bum-bum after you've done all that good work of losing it. (In 80-95% of cases)
The 3 contexts are deeply related.
Your current relationship with food doesn't align with what you SAY you want ("to lose weight:). Your mind-body-emotion system is simply doing its job by taking you through the motions - and ending up back where you started.
BECAUSE - nothing else changed.
Your internal landscape shows no signs of change. You still believe that if you look at a slice of cheesecake, you'll put on 10 lbs. You still feel shame and guilt when you sit down to eat a meal, AND as if that wasn't bad enough, you now feel pressured to 'stick with the diet".
So as well as the initial pressure and stress levels, you now have even more pressure because you believe others are keeping score, and you've never been more miserable.
Because trying to keep the weight OFF is almost worse than losing it in the first place. The obsession is still there; it's just changed FOCUS!
The joy and happiness that you THOUGHT you'd feel when you lost the weight hasn't really kicked in except for those first few days of euphoria when you saw that number on the scale. Since then, it's been a battle.
And you know, deep in your heart, that IT ISN'T SUSTAINABLE. You even have PROOF!
And it STILL fascinates me that otherwise, super-intelligent women keep doing this. And why you get so annoyed and frustrated with yourself. Because you know you are so much smarter than this. Yet, here we are again, on our second diet this year.
It has to stop.
And it takes courage to face the truth because when we face the truth, we have 2 options.
- Stay as we are
- Change
Life can be as simple or as complicated as we want to make it. By telling the truth, we can simplify it further. Whenever I've been stuck or resistant to something I want, the truth helps clarify my thoughts.
How do you get to the truth? By drilling down to the bare facts, without adding in the emotions and contributing factors we often create for 'effect'.
My stand for women is to support them in owning their Sovereignty so they are back at cause and choice and can make better decisions from a place of self-empowerment. You can learn this.
When your mind, body and emotion system aligns with your strongest desires, magic happens. I've witnessed this repeatedly in my own life and in others.
Being at cause is the all-important kindling; Sovereignty is the fuel that sets it ablaze.
In my programme, Throw it the U™; you learn how to work with your mind-body-emotion system and take back your power and authority. And as you leave your old thinking patterns and limiting beliefs behind, you get to step into a new way of being, and it feels so good to be the creator and meaning maker of the life you truly want to live—a life BEYOND weight loss.
When weight loss becomes a thing of the past, it opens you up to possibilities and opportunities you might not have noticed before because you were so focused on what you didn't want.
Part of the programme is helping you define and design how that looks and feels and then have you claim that as your new way of being—an awakening as you rekindle old desires or open up to new exciting opportunities. Nothing is off limits now because you'll have the processes and resources to support this new journey.
I invite you to step into my programme fully so that you can make the changes you need to make to live the life you want for the rest of your life, making tweaks and adjustments as you go.
Yes, there is work to be done; your old habits weren't developed overnight, so it will take a little time to embody new beliefs and patterns, but it won't take as long as you might think because you'll be operating from a whole other paradigm.
Join me and become the Sovereign leader of your own life. I'll remind you here what that looks like.
A life where :
You matter - a lot!
You make better and bolder decisions
You take responsibility for yourself - and not others
You become your best and. highest self
You own your powers and authority
You become the creator and meaning maker of your life
You are back at cause
Weight loss isn't a thing any more
You KNOW who you are at your core
You live a life without limits
You become a Sovereign woman with a purpose and the passion to be whoever she wants. ♡
Here are the finer details of my 8-week "Throw it to the U™" programme for weight loss.
You'll receive a fillable Playbook in PDF format to guide you as we work through it together.
You'll receive recordings of guided processes to practice in your own time. It's critical to this programme that you practice. You are embedding new neurological pathways of thinking, feeling and being, which doesn't happen overnight.
We meet weekly for coaching, feedback, celebrations, and learning what it means to be Sovereign over your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
There will be no mention of diets, exercise, affirmations or meal plans during this programme. Our work is practical (with a hint of woo) and focused on neurological shifts and practices. You'll be amazed at what you learn about yourself and how you operate.
Still in the low 4 figures, this programme is an excellent investment for the discerning buyer when you consider the life-enhancing transformation you'll experience, not just the size and shape of your body.
Your mind-body-emotion system guides everything you do and where change needs to happen for long-term transformation. Regular coaching and weight loss programmes don't offer this.
I'm available to answer any questions. Please DM me on Facebook to share your interest, and I'll ask you a few questions to determine whether you're a good fit for this programme, and when we have a mutual agreement to work together, I'll invite you into my system, and we can begin right away or over the next couple of weeks.
DM me, I'd love to chat with you. ♡
Joan Bell
Joan Bell is a Professional Certified Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and very keen mountain biker. When she isn't transforming clients lives you'll find her out riding in the beautiful Australian bushland looking for new exciting trails, or relaxing with her sweetie of 35+ years, in their off-grid hideaway.