About Joan Bell
I love working with professional coaches, change-agents, and women in the public eye who long to lose weight, feel great and never obsess over food again.
Life takes over, things happen, and before we know it we've taken on a whole new identity and barely recognize the person in the mirror, it can be scary. We think "what happened to me? And what can I do to bring ME back?
Until we identify and reveal hidden trauma, limiting beliefs and outdated paradigms we can't address the primary problem - the one that keeps you stuck in that yo-yo dieting cycle. Once that's identified we have something to work with as you learn what happened TO you isn't who you ARE foundationally.
Don't settle for weight gain, overwhelm, self-loathing or any of the things that make you feel bad about yourself. You're here to have fun and live from essence, (not contraction) and that all starts on the inside.
Many of us have forgotten our essence and need a guide to reconnect with that part of us that exists beyond societal norms, programming and inherited beliefs. That part of us that we were gifted at inception and which connects with God, The Universe, Spirit, Gaia, Buddha, whichever feels right for you. That part of you that 'knows' but may have forgotten as life 'took over'.
I've spent the last 20 years becoming certified in relevant programmes to help me be the #1 professional coach to guide you to essence and reclaim your sovereignty, your natural weight, and your life. And I do that from the inside out.

Hi, I'm Joan Bell
Transformative Weight Loss coach
Before setting up my global coaching practise in 2004, health and fitness was my profession, and obsession! I got to help clients take care of their body and their diet, yet it was usually their mindset that was tripping them up. Even back then I was interested in what made people tick and do what they did. (And why I now feel like I've come full-circle)
And it was that interest that first led me to Coaching and a decision to learn from the best. Which then led to NLP, NLP Mastery, and in the last few years, Quantum Leap Coaching which combines quantum physics, neurosemantics, and Universal Laws
I became globally certified (in 2020) as a QL coach. Since then I've partnered with my mentor from QL (Femke Mortimore) to create a weight loss version of Throw it to the Uâ„¢ and guide clients to personal mastery over their mind-body-emotion system, and live life on their own terms. Weight loss becomes a by-product of that connection to essence and sovereignty.
On a personal note, my partner and I have been happily co-existing for more than 35 years and designed our lifestyle around our values and passions and love of mountain biking and the outdoors.
We believe that life was meant to be lived every day, not just on weekends. And during Covid 19 our choices have brought home the importance of 'future proofing' and honing in on our values and priorities.
I now help my clients claim sovereignty over their lives no matter what they've tried before. And I can show you how to do that at a deep level so you can experience life as you were meant to live it. Sovereign, fully empowered and whatever size feels good on you.

When I'm not coaching clients, you'll find me riding or walking on some of the beautiful trails in North Eastern Victoria, or wherever we happen to be.We travel often and there's always a new trail to be discovered somewhere.
Being in nature fuels my soul. The silence and beauty leave me in awe of what's important in life. The pic on the left shows me at beautiful Lake Buffalo in Nth East Victoria. Life really can be as simple as you want to make it.
What does your ideal lifestyle look like? How close have you come to living it?