Weight Loss is NOT about the food!

If losing weight and keeping it off is difficult, then following the latest diet probably won't help, at least not for long-term results'

Because the 'problem' isn't food or diet, or even weight! The problem is an inside job.

To shift your excess weight and make you feel great is about changing how you THINK and FEEL and TALK about food and eating.


The stories you grew up with and the beliefs you live BY create the outcomes you're now experiencing in your life. Let me explain.

If you were continually told as a kid that you were fat 'just like your Gran" you likely embodied that belief at a neurological level because you didn't have the capacity then to oppose it. It became a CORE belief.

And maybe later on you kept saying to yourself:

"I just have to look at pasta, or a slice of cheesecake, and I put on weight" - then guess what? Yep, you embodied that belief, too, and it, too, became a CORE belief.

.You might have been treated badly or shamed because of excess weight. That all gets stored in your neurological pathways. (All outside influences)


Whenever you went on a diet, your beliefs paved the way, so it's no surprise that even when you did lose weight, you put it back on again because you were led to believe "that's what happens". (Almost as if you weren't involved.)

And you accepted this without question so that when you got a little older and began to wonder if there might be another way, your efforts were half-hearted because your embodied CORE beliefs pushed back.


In my days as a fitness instructor, before entering the coaching world I would be amazed at how men and women with the most amazing bodies never thought they looked 'good enough' and would spend hours every day in the gym and working on their 'diet'.  (you're not alone in this)

So whether it's excess weight or for reasons of aesthetic sculpting, diets only work as long as you spend hours perfecting them.

Not many of us want to spend every waking hour thinking about the size of our thighs. And even if you do, there are so many variables it could drive you up the wall! (Ask any body builder!)

And once you've embodied those old fears, beliefs and patterns, you can't just shift them overnight. They need to be dis-embodied first. (I have a process for that)


So the first thing is to become aware of what is going on and then be willing to transcend what no longer works with an open mind and heart.

Yes, I could give you a diet that would work, and yes, I could share a few positive affirmations or give you strategies to help change how you operate, but it would be a waste of time because until we transcend old beliefs and you feel SAFE enough to release the weight, nothing will change. (Safety is a critical factor in weight loss, I'll talk about that in another post)


The first thing I do with clients is find out the STRUCTURE of how you think rather than yout story. It's from the structure that I can determine where the change-power is.

Now, at this point (if they even go this deep), most coaches will do what they call a 'reframe', which means they take a belief and help change it to something that serves you better.

An example might be like the one I shared "You're just like your gran'; she was always big", and you shift it to. "I create my future; I am my own woman and can lose weight easily." Sounds lovely on paper, and with a few hundred repetitions, you might get to believe that.


But at your CORE (the only place that matters in change-work,) everything will stay the same because the old beliefs weren't TRANSCENDED first.

To transcend a Core belief takes a bit more work than 'noticing' it and reframing it. Otherwise, none of us would have any long-held issues to hold us back and I would be out of a job.

And that's why THROW IT TO THE U™ is the only programme that focuses on Core patterns and beliefs and the Structure of how you think and transcends and transforms them at a neurological level.

The programme works with your whole mind-body-emotion system. It's based on Neuroscience, Neurosemantics, Quantum Physics and Universal Laws giving us a fully integrated programme that works from the inside out.

Stepping into SOVEREIGNTY

What I've described above is just a tiny piece of the programme and how we would work together. You'll also reclaim your power and inner authority. You'll learn about safety, trust, and resilience, and so much more.

It can be challenging and you might feel vulnerable but if you're serious about stepping into Sovereignty and taking back your life, it is SO worth it. And to be honest we often discover that it isn't so much WHAT happened, but you're interpretation of events that has led you to follow the path you've been following.

Weight loss is not about the food but how you think about food and how it impacts your mind, body, spirit, metabolism and lifestyle. If you've spent years struggling with weight, it's time to find a better way forward that transcends weight loss and brings you back to Sovereignty.


You'd be an ideal candidate for this programme if you've been a yo-yo dieter for more than a couple of years and you want to change the trajectory of your life..

You are likely a coach, change agent or someone in the public eye whose current appearance doesn't align with who you feel you are on the inside. You want to be slimmer, fitter, healthier, sexier and feel good in your own skin. You want to be calmer, more relaxed and more fun to be around.

And, you'll do the work; do the practice until your new way of being becomes second nature and part of how you show up each day.


This programme is still at a low 4 figures and a steal considering the life-long value offered. Even if you have a setback (it happens), you'll have the skills and processes to get you right back on track quickly.

The programme is for 8 weeks (with an added check-in bonus session)

We meet each week via Zoom

You'll have access to a private portal where everything we share is stored. One place to to keep records, notes, messages, schedule calls, etc.

If you'd like to work with me, DM me on Facebook for a quick response. I'll ask you a few questions, and when we have a mutual yes to working together, we can schedule our first couple of sessions and take it from there.

I look forward to chatting with you soon, Joan. ♡

Joan Bell

In my weight loss work with high-level coaches and professionals who have hidden trauma or limiting long-held beliefs, I help them realize that what they did, (or was done to them), is not who they ARE foundationally.

I’m Joan Bell, I help clients release weight  for the last time as they gain back Sovereignty over their mind, body and emotion system. This allows them to dream bigger and achieve more than they could have imagined.

Say YES! to life on your terms...