HELP!….I’m a control freak! and I can’t lose weight!

The 3 primary ways your need for control can sabotage weight loss!

#1 Rigid Dieting: Your need for control can spill over into your eating habits and result in unsustainable dieting patterns. You might follow rigid eating plans or cut out entire food groups, which can lead to feelings of deprivation, binge eating, and, ultimately, difficulty losing weight.

#2 Emotional Eating: The desire for control can sometimes backfire by triggering emotional eating behaviours. When we feel overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious about our weight or food choices, we may turn to food to regain control. This can lead to using food to cope with unwanted emotions, which undermines weight loss efforts.

#3 Monitoring Progress: Constantly monitoring and micromanaging every aspect of weight loss, such as calorie counting, weighing food obsessively, or tracking macros, can create unnecessary stress and anxiety. This hyper-focus on control can lead to burnout, making it harder to stick to 'healthier habits.

In summary, The need for control can manifest in unhealthy behaviours that sabotage weight loss efforts rather than support them. 


The above control 'strategies 'may come as no secret, but even knowing that it hasn't helped you lose weight for the last time, I'd like to introduce you to a programme I offer which does offer that option.

And when you're serious about losing weight naturally and aligning with your personal beliefs, morals and values, I have a programme that will fit you to a 'T". 

Throw It to the U™ is a unique personalized programme that doesn't include diets or exercise programmes. Because we all know none of that works - and we all have the T-shirts! What I do instead is.


I work with you to discover your *escape 'mechanisms and states' and your escape behaviours. Or to put it another way:

What *triggers you every time you make progress in your weight loss goals? What emotions can 'take you out' and back to square one? And what is behind that, and behind that, at the CORE! This is where the juice lies that will help remove old patterns and set you free to live and love your life! Beyond weight loss.

*Triggers might be as simple as trying on clothes that don't fit anymore, being told as a kid that you'll never be good enough, or whatever triggers you personally and creates a sensation of powerlessness in the body. (some of us don't even have permission to feel that sense of powerlessness)

*Escape states are your avoidance techniques, such as keeping busy, making promises to yourself you never keep, binge-watching Netflix, blaming others or making them 'prove' their love. Binge eating or micro-managing food and eating habits. 

Once we've gathered this information, we can transcend and transform your thoughts, feelings, and emotions and guide you to your essence and innate inner wisdom, which connects you to the Universe (God or Life Force, whatever your preference is). This final piece of our work together is the game-changer - the difference that makes the difference.


The U programme is unlike anything you may have experienced before, whether that be coaching, therapy or other modules that didn't work for you..... Why?

Because it goes deeper and is very personal., You'll uncover thoughts, feelings, and emotions you might have avoided before but now feel empowered to explore and reveal in this safe, non-judgmental environment. .

Our sessions aren't rushed, and we don't have 'set' 'goals'. There is nothing to 'check off' or agendas to complete. Throw it to the U™ flows naturally based on each phase of the programme and what we discover during sessions. Yes, there is a 'programme' but not in the way you might be used to. (The U takes an inside-out approach.)

If you would like to work with me and make weight loss a thing of the past (and live a magnificent life beyond weight loss,) contact me via FB and share your interest. I'll take it from there with a short questionnaire to determine whether you'd be a great match - and where you are currently. I will then invite you into my system and get the ball rolling.

Joan Bell

Joan Bell is Certified Quantum Leap Transformative Coach specializing in inside-out Weight Loss. When she isn't transforming lives you'll find her out riding in the beautiful Australian bushland looking for new exciting trails, or relaxing with her long-time partner in their off-grid hideaway. 

Say YES! to life on your terms...