Learn to love follow-up and get more clients more often

Why is it so important for coaches & service professionals to follow up with clients?

As a service professional, you don’t have the luxury of a shop-front. People don’t get to pop in and meet you, speak to you, and learn to know, like and trust you. therefore you need to find other ways to help them find you and discover what you can do for them.

You only get a couple of opportunities to follow-up with potential clients before they decide to move on.The first opportunity is after your initial contact, and this sets the scene for future actions.

Follow-up needs to be intentional and must include a call to action that brings ideal clients or referral partners closer to working with you,

Why do we need to follow-up? Here are my top 7 reasons.

1. To invite a contact to join your community or mailing list

2. To invite a potential client to a discovery session or consultation

3. To confirm details of a meeting or arrange a meeting time.

4. To invite a pptential client to take a survey to find out what they need

5. To invite a potential client to work with you after a preliminary meeting

6. To thank a customer for buying a product or service, and ask for a testimonial if appropriate.

7. To check-in with current clients and past clients, as well as colleagues and those who may be a good referral resource.

Follow-up is the most important strategy for a service professional and sadly, one that many of us don’t do consistently.

Not following up can be likened to preparing for a holiday. You choose your destination, buy a gorgeous new wardrobe, create an exciting itinerary, and then, forget to book the flights.

People are busy, and oddly enough don’t wake up thinking “I must call a coach/therapist/counsellor and ask her/him if they want to work with me”.

What they do wake up with is a nagging doubt that they will ever get get clients, or are afraid to make that presentation, or even that he/she simply cannot face one more day doing something that makes them feel confused and overwhelmed. 

Imagine this scenario:​

You write a follow-up email to your potential client. She opens up her inbox, and there you are, like magic, describing how you can help her and inviting her to have a conversation with you about that very thing that kept her awake until the wee small hours.

She picks up the phone, calls you, books an appointment and before you know it - you are working together. The results are flowing in, everyone is happy. Your integrity is intact. Your new client is on fire and in action. It's a win-win.

All because you followed up.

This wasn’t a coincidence, this was the law of attraction in action, rewarding you for being focused, mindful and persistent.

And, because you cared enough.

It may have taken 5,7 or 10 follow up emails or calls, and that’s fine. We all travel at a difference pace. Some of us make quick decisions, others like to weigh up the odds.

Which brings me to my next point - and a question I’m often asked.

When do you stop following up?

The easy answer is, you don’t. You have no idea if your emails are being opened, or that your calls have reached the person they were intended for. Be patient.

The 3 key questions to ask yourself before following up are:

1. Why am I following up? (my intention)

2. What do I want them to do? (their next step)

3. What is my mindset as I follow up? (Who am I being)

I’m sure it goes without saying that you do not follow up with people who have shown no interest in working with you. That would be spam, and not a great way to become known, liked or trusted.

If you don’t follow up, then you are doing a disservice to yourself and your potential clients. The ripple effect that can happen when your potential clients take action often creates significant changes in other areas of their lives, as well as the lives of those they love.

OK, you might not learn to love follow-up, but I sincerely hope that the tips I shared will help you be more consistent and persistent in your follow-up efforts. It's the small steps we take consistently that lead to the biggest results in the long term.

So, who will follow up with today?

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