When you've tried the diets, the fasting, and other strategies to lose weight.

When you're ready to step up to a better way that is personal, doable and where you are a critical part of the process. When you're ready to start:

1.   Claiming your Power  

2.   Claiming your Worth

      3.   Reclaiming Sovereignty 

       4.   Re-imagining your Life

             5.   Trusting YOUR INNER Being

This programme will give you so much more than weight-loss. We focus on transcending and transforming your life beyond weight loss. A life where you feel a lightness in all areas and learn to be Sovereign over your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

 What!  No diet?

You won't find a diet in here, nor any kind of action plan. There will be no counting of calories or measuring portions. Instead, you get to play with your inner games and completely transcend and transform your relationship with yourself, food, and other aspects relevant to this quantum weight loss journey.

This is not a quick fix approach. It takes time to undo years worth of limiting beliefs that have metabolized in the body, and it takes time to embody a whole new way of being. You'll have ups and down, and at times you may even feel like giving up. Make a commitment with yourself to do this, to stop letting your emotions be your guide, and give yourself grace as you walk this path. 

Which means that you need to make an investment in yourself, besides the financial investment. You must be willing to practise learned processes daily so that the changes you make become embedded into your neurology and replace those old, unuseful patterns  and beliefs that have held you back for way too long. (And I make that easy)


We do that via my 8-week (+ 2-bonus check-ins) programme which includes everything you need to make real long-lasting change. I’d be thrilled to witness your transformation as you step into Sovereignty, reclaim you  ideal weight and feel happy and safe in your skin. (And still at a low 4 figure investment, this programme is a steal in any currency.)

Please continue reading below for all the details - and then visit my facebook page via the big gold button.. You can send me a DM and ask me anything. I look forward to working with you, supporting you and being your catalyst for transformation that actually works.  

What to expect withThrow it to the U™

The Programme 

Throw it to the U™ includes 1 x 90 minute immersive session, where we discover core issues, habits and escape mechanisms that until now have held you back. And from there we identify where the change-power lies. (The difference that will make the difference.)

Also included are 7 subsequent 1 on 1 coaching sessions - each one building up on the last as you practice in the real world everything you are learning. It's normal in the early stages  to have huge insights into how you've been 'operating' and make instant shifts in your day-to- day thoughts and feelings.

You'll have my total support throughout, and plenty of access so you can ask questions, share wins or get clarity on anything that isn't crystal clear. From the moment you sign up we become a team, hell-bent on making your goals and dreams our primary focus,

This programme is for you if you've been on the yo-yo diet merry-go-round and are ready for something different. (If you've tried coaching, or other modules that didn't work, this is also for you) And it's easier than you might think, as long as you're prepared to be all-in and do what we agree to in session.

We begin by (metaphorically) de-fragging your brain, installing new software, and then giving your mind a Platinum-style make-over, using the art and science of coaching, neurosemantics, quantum physics and my years of experience in personal growth. And we have fun.

You'll learn to relax in the knowing that you always have what you need when you need it to ensure your transformation is permanent. In the real world. S#*t can happen, so we need to make sure you're prepared for that.  And with your new way of being,  that's a given.


Eager to get started right now? Click on the Big Gold button below!

Sovereignty is all it's

cracked up to be

You can spend the next 12 months hoping for a miracle or you can

 Hit the big gold button below with a KNOWING that Throw it to the U™ is the difference that will make the difference. 

© Joan Bell Coaching | All rights Reserved   

I Acknowledge that I live, learn and work on the lands of the Yorta Yorta people who have been custodians of this land for thousands of years, and acknowledge and pay my deepest respects to their Elders past and present. I extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.