Let's work Together

Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year make a

 resolution to BE yourself.

For years you've been a victim of old mindsets, beliefs, habits and triggers and they're like an old pair of slippers. They’re comfortable, and keep you feeling safe and cosy.

But more than that they have allowed you to create a string of escape mechanisms that show up every time you make progress (lose a little weight, feel good about yourself).

They show up as self-medication (binge-eating, over-exercising) procrastination, anxiety, fear, self loathing, second guessing. There are so many ways to escape when we don't want to experience the sensations in our bodies. 

Because our need for SAFETY is more important than our need to lose weight. The sensations in our bodies don't feel safe - and so we escape.

I want to help you change that, to disrupt your old ways of thinking and feeling because they are keeping you in a holding pattern of wanting, and won't change until you do.

Especially when it affects your weight and who you show up as every day.  (Often we don't even know they're there- so it makes it difficult to shift them.

What I do

What I do as your coach is help you uncover those old patterns, beliefs and escapes and  bring them out into the light so we can transcend them at a neurological level. (basically 'rewire' your brain)

Because, until you transcend that matrix of meanings you created back in the day, no matter how determined you are to have something different in your life, it won’t happen. 

Even though you WANT to change, those old layers must be removed first.. (Regular coaching doesn't go deep enough to create change at this deeper level.) 

The transcending process leads to self-efficacy, sovereignty, and a life you love, from the inside out. When you transcend the old and create a clear space for new beginnings, anything is possible.

Especially when you have me to guide you and run alongside you as you pick up the pace. 

You can read more about the details of my programme HERE


Imagine waking up every day with a deep knowing that your day is going to flow because that's how you operate now.

Imagine feeling that strong self-belief no matter what the situation, and have no issue with what anyone says or does because you have a deep knowing and owning of your true value.

Imagine a time when you can choose a favourite dress or pair of jeans and know that you can slide them on gracefully and feel like a million dollars inside and out.

THAT is my vision for my clients.. And it's what motivates me every single day. I'd love to be your Catalyst for positive change so you get to experience that for yourself.

DM me on on Facebook for a quick response. We'll have a chat to determine if you're a great fit for this program; I'll ask a couple of questions, and when we reach a mutual 'Yes"to working together, I'll invite you into the program. It can be that easy!  ♡


Would you love to experience 2024 with a shiny new paradigm that helps you release weight naturally?

Let's Chat now and together we'll make it happen!