Lost a ton of weight? Sorry, but that’s just the beginning!

Because you've lost a ton of weight doesn't mean your weight loss journey is over! That's just the beginning.

It's been proven repeatedly that limiting beliefs and habits can put on kilos faster than you can lose them.

And it's hard to fathom when you're a super-smart, savvy coach or entrepreneur whose life is otherwise successful. 

You're familiar with mindset work and might even coach on it with your own clients. But when it comes to weight issues, it's as if your smarts and savvy have taken a vacation.

So when I tell you that weight loss begins on the inside, it won't surprise most of you. And it's more than a 'mindset' issue. 

What I pay attention to is what happens at a neurological level. Here's why.

In childhood, patterns, habits, and beliefs were embodied into your neurology, forming your 'map of the world', which works similarly to a computer. (hard drive, software, automatic responses)

The people in your life had significant input because, at that stage, you couldn't determine the good from the not-so-good.

And just like any software on your PC, one mindless click and an old pattern or habit appears. No thinking needed; your body already has the code!

And that's why you might often find that you've inhaled a tub of ice cream without even realizing it. Your body followed those embedded 'commands' installed in early childhood.

The truth is that food is just energy, and weight loss has NEVER been about the food but rather your relationship with food and eating.

When you've grown up in a family where a parent and siblings experienced weight problems and a diet mentality, it makes sense that you adopted the same beliefs and habits.

You put on weight; you go on a diet, put on weight, go on a diet. And then you 

Hate yourself
Feel Guilty
Wear Black
Hide your Body
Feel Shame

Go on another diet. Put on more weight. Feel like crap! 

And so it goes, this is the pattern - how it pans out is different for everyone, but the pattern is often very similar. 


In some families, it's a cultural issue. Food is love; it's how families show love; they feed people. And sometimes, this can become difficult, especially if family emotional issues are added to the mix.

In other families, it's become a family legacy. A grandmother was overweight, then the mother, then the daughter, then the daughter's daughter and so on. It can be challenging to step out of that legacy.

And in some cases, weight gain results from trauma or suppressed emotions.

When weight begins to impact your life negatively, there is a flow-on effect to other life areas, which becomes problematic. 

That might be health issues or well-being, self-esteem, self-worth, financial worth, or personal relationships. It's rarely just an overweight issue.

Many women don't feel attractive when they are heavier, so, therefore, don't believe they can attract a life partner.

 And more often than not, it's likely that as you've experienced life, learned and grown more, and BECOME more, you didn't upgrade your map of the world to better align with the fabulous woman you are today. 

Because when that map and system are out of alignment, nothing feels quite right in your world. You don't feel safe, there's a lack of trust, and you feel a sense of powerlessness.

And it's usually at this stage that you realize something has to change if you're to live a life beyond the dieting mentality that's taken up so much of your life. You've had enough. And as much as you want to, you know :

You can't blame the weight
You can't blame the legacy
You can't hide behind your fears


I offer a way out where you get to take back your power and authority, step into SOVEREIGNTY and become the meaning maker and creator of your own life from the inside out. And you get to reunite with the Universe (or God, or Source) who always has your back. 

Which puts you back at cause. (And Phase 2 - Awakening to a New You)

Where you get to co-create a new Identity from a place of positive self-regard, letting go of anything that no longer fits with the woman you're becoming.

You know diets don't work for the long term, so I won't be sharing diet advice. 

You know that your inner landscape is vital to your outer way of being and the lifestyle you want to live - and you get to co-create that with the Universe as your strongest ally.

You know how intelligent and savvy you are and have the smarts and personal integrity to follow through with the processes and resources I guide you through in this unique programme. (Practice is a big part of this.)

Knowing all of the above, you'll set a higher level outcome than to 'lose weight' 'cos that's a given. You can cast your net further and focus on what you want - beyond weight loss—things like.


To be even more successful, to find the love of your life, to finally go on the trip of a lifetime, to eat and live in harmony with your values and goals in a body you're happy to live in. To FORGET that weight loss was ever a thing! - and introduces our next Phase.

Phase 3 - Stepping into Your New Identity.

One client shared, "Finally, I got it; it's NOT about the food! In about the third week, things started to click, and by this last week, it was like Clunk, Clunk, Clunk, everything just dropped into place - and it all made sense". The Universe does have my back!!

Those words were like music to my ears because it's the inner knowing that creates that flow effect and makes the real difference over time.

And it's the knowing that guides you daily to live INTO that new vision of yourself who, through Sovereignty, becomes that powerful meaning maker and creator. 

And when those cogs get stuck, and they will, you'll know EXACTLY how to oil them and get moving. Old patterns and habits may also show up, and that's why it's SO important to do the work and test everything in your daily life because, unlike diets, you get back to cause and choice. And you do that intentionally from a place of power and daily practice.

To summarize:

*** It's never about the food.
*** You co-create your life based on who or what you allow into your mind-body-emotion system.
*** You will take back your power and authority and step into Sovereignty
*** Diets don't work - even when they do.
*** Sovereignty works and puts you back at cause, no longer victim to old habits and limiting beliefs.

*** You will learn to recognize, own, and live from your Essence...that place some of us call HOME ♡

Throw it to the U™ is an. Inside-out approach that gives you everything you need to make changes at a neurological level and potentially change your life BEYOND weight loss. 

I invite you to follow and  DM me via Facebook whenever you're ready to lose weight for the last time.

In my next post I'll talk about your relationship with food and diet which have so much more to do with weight loss than the actual food you choose to eat. Watch this space.

Joan Bell

Joan Bell is a Professional Certified Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and Weight Loss Wizard. When she isn't transforming clients lives you'll find her out mountain biking in the beautiful Australian bushland or chilling out with a coffee at a new fave cafe she recently discovered.

Say YES! to life on your terms...