Stop outsourcing your life for Weight Loss!

It's time to stop outsourcing your life for weight loss.

It's time to pull the rug from under the BS perpetrated by the medical profession, weight loss giants and the soul-sucking hangers-on who milk the weight loss market for all it's worth.

A minimum of nutritional and weight management is taught in medical school. Yes, individual doctors do a brilliant  job, but that doesn't include educating patients in the pros and cons of various diets or exercise programmes; they are too busy helping sick people get well.

As for weight loss giants, they have the technical skills and knowledge to know what works (in a lab) technically, but sadly, they offer a cookie-cutter service that doesn't consider their customers' specific experiences or escape mechanisms that are key to weight gain and loss. (avoidance techniques)

They make their $$$ billions via brilliant marketing strategies, celebrity endorsements, and pie-in-the-sky promises.

And RETURN customers! (That's the biggy!)

And even when diets do work, they don't tell you how to keep the weight off! (there's no money in that.)

And guess what, you gain the weight back, with interest. And nobody cares. So, besides weight gain, there's usually an element of shame and self-loathing thrown in for good measure!


And this really PISSES me off big time!. Since I joined the fitness industry in the '90s (and practically spent my life in a gym), I've been aware and disgusted by the shark-infested waters known as the weight loss industry. And watching women outsource their LIVES to weight loss. (weight loss obsession restricts your life and lifestyle in so many ways)

I witnessed first-hand the physical, mental and emotional damage that can be done regarding the yo-yo dieting cycle and the dieting culture in general. And the most shocking aspect of that is how it impacts women beyond dieting.

It becomes very personal and can affect other areas of their life because no one knows what they are going through. 9 out of 10 women put on such a brave 'front' that no one would guess they were suffering. (And holding that hurt on the inside can lead to illness over the long term.)


And it's why I pivoted a year or so ago in my coaching practice to work specifically with otherwise successful women (coaches, change agents, women in the public eye) who this phenomenon has touched. Weight loss has always been an issue but not nearly as prevalent as it is today.

There's no shame in it. The only thing wrong is that you're left in this never-ending cycle that has become almost addictive as you obsess over every single thing you put in your mouth!

Is it too high in carbs? How much sugar is in that? Oh NO! I forgot to count my macros! Does my ass look big in this?


I get it, and if any of that sounds like you, it's time to throw out the diets, get back into alignment with your mind-body-emotion system and lose weight naturally and for the last time.

*** Because you WANT TO.

*** Because you CAN and

*** Because how you're living right now isn't how you imagined living at this stage of your life.

It isn't sustainable. And to repeat this cycle for the next 10, 20, or 40 years would be soul-destroying!

And you KNOW, in your heart of hearts, that you were meant for SO much more!

And so do I.


And why I created (with my partner in crime, Femke Mortimore) a radical, self-propelling, diet-free programme that will show you how to take back that power (you've given away over the years) and lose weight for the last time! Naturally.

You owe it to yourself, your body, and your future. And you particularly owe it to the magnificent dreams and goals you've kept under wraps.

My programme works from the inside out. We'll discover HOW you think and feel and respond to sensations in your body resulting in your lived experiences. (Saying no to invites, not dating, hating getting pics taken)

You'll also learn to interrupt your thoughts before they take on meanings and become actions you may regret later. As a meaning maker, you'll learn to be more discerning.

You'll learn which beliefs and memories trigger your nervous system and where before you would have reacted; now, you can interrupt and transcend them easily - at a core level.

You will BE the Sovereign woman you have longed to be and the CEO of your own life.

No matter what others say or do, you will stand strong in YOUR power and have the grace and inner knowing to be unphased by others' words or actions.

And finally, feel free and excited to go for your big dream. The dream you never thought would come to life. (beyond weight loss)

Imagine that!


And for the low 4-figure investment, it's a steal for a programme that can change your life, not just the size of your jeans.

As you awaken and step into a new version of yourself and a brighter future, you finally realize that the time, energy, and money you threw at diets was pointless because everything you need, to live the life you want, is already inside you.

When you learn to read the signs, listen for the messages and tap into your deepest inner knowing, you'll realize how powerful you really are. And that becomes your new normal.

It's not a quick fix, but it will be worth the time and energy invested to become Sovereign. For LIFE!

YOU have the power, and the moment you invest in a diet programme, you give that power away. You know that now.

I offer a programme that puts you at the dashboard of your own life. (The women I tend to work with prefer that to outsourcing it) No one knows you better than you, and with my programme, you will expand on that knowledge exponentially!

Initial contact is best made via my FB page where we can chat back and forth, ask questons and determine whether the programme is a best fit for you right now. When we have a mutual agreement to work together I'll invite you into my programme, process payment and schedule our first session. Easy!

Joan Bell

Joan Bell is a Professional Certified Quantum Leap Coach, (among other certifications) and a very keen mountain biker. When she isn't transforming clients lives you'll find her out riding in the beautiful Australian bushland looking for new exciting trails, or laughing and relaxing with her sweetie of 35+ years, in their off-grid hideaway. 

Say YES! to life on your terms...