Weight Loss with Winona

Funny image, right? And if it resonates with you, keep reading!

Winona likely represents a side of you that doesn't believe, deep down, that weight loss is even possible for you. And that sucks!

When you feel at the mercy of excess weight, a sensation of powerlessness flushes through your body and rather than feel into that sensation, you find a million other things to do.

But those 'other things' (counting calories, weighing yourself, procrastinating) are actually escape mechanisms to help you feel safe (but actually work against you).

So what needs to shift is not the weight (per se) but the escapes - and need for control that keeps you in an infinite loop of yo-yo dieting - and out of alignment with what you truly want.


There's a two-sided effect when I talk about the sensation of powerlessness in the body. The (negative) powerlessness of not knowing, feeling "at the mercy," or not in control. OR, on the other hand, (positive powerlessness) is a sense of play, feeling carefree, and at peace with your body.

Both produce a sensation that feels the same - and that's where most of us get stuck and confused.

For me, it feels like a super relaxed rag-doll sensation. Others have described the sensation as total relaxation, effortlessness, or weightlessness in the body.

The problem is that many of us, unaware of this 2-sided effect, automatically focus on the negative side. 


As soon as we get triggered and feel that SENSATION we shut it down to avoid experiencing the pain of the deeper belief (hidden beneath that), such as: - "I'm destined never to lose weight," or "Why do I bother? It's for others, not me," which is too painful to think about. (There are so many layers to reveal.)

So instead of feeling into it, we opt for the escape route - and we feel tired, tense, anxious, angry, or irritated. And we're back at square one.

Our nervous system gets activated because that sense of powerlessness is usually associated with deep sadness, disappointment, aloneness, or abandonment. (often from childhood.)


Once we uncover a few more layers, the deeper, overarching belief is usually one of the following.

"The Universe is against me."
"God has deserted me."
"Life wasn't meant to be easy for people like me."
I don't deserve to get what I want."

And guess what? Your nervous system goes on high alert, protects you from feeling these feelings, and keeps you safe. That's its job.

And it can be exhausting to repeat this scenario over and over again.


There is so much more to my work (and the programme I offer) than what I just shared, but for now, no matter what is at the core of your weight loss story, the only way to change it is to face it head-on with a professional, trained in these specific matters.

Regular coaching doesn't have the depth of knowledge to work at this level.

Winona may only be a fun alter ego, but her situation can feel real when you are still struggling to accept the truth about the lies and myths you've been fed around weight and weight loss for most of your life.

It's time to take a stand for yourself and what you want to co-creat in the future. I can help you do that.


It's not the weight or the food that makes weight loss freedom seem so elusive; it's the stories you believed that got you here. In my programme, I help you transcend and transform those stories at a core level—and re-introduce you to your essence so that your mind-body-emotion system is aligned and firing on all cylinders.

Let Winona remind you of who you don't want to be because behind all that is the version of you that is powerful, strong, vulnerable, joyful, and totally aligned from the inside out.

THROW IT TO THE U™ is your ticket to freedom from weight loss and most other areas of your life. You'll see shifts in your relationships, money, health and fitness, well-being, fun and laughter. All of these factors cooperate to give you the life and lifestyle you've only imagined until now.


When you're ready to lose weight for the last time and willing to do the work, please DM me and let's chat. Here's a summary of my programme, how it works, and the $$$ investment. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the coaching realm.

** The programme is for 8 weeks
** Our first session is for 90 minutes
** Subsequent sessions for 60 mins
** We meet weekly via Zoom

Your private portal is where everything is stored for easy access 24/7. We also share documents, videos, calendars, messages, etc. in there.

The investment is in the low four figures and includes one 40-minute bonus session during which you can check in, celebrate, ask questions, or receive additional coaching within one month after coaching.

I use an inside-out approach. This programme doesn't address diets, exercise routines, shakes or pills. We both know they are the problem, not the solution. ♡

If this post and offer excite you, contact me through FB, and share your interest, I will send you a short questionnaire to complete and take it from there. I'd love you to join us at the U, let's talk soon.......

Joan Bell

Joan is a Professional Certified Coach, ex-Fitness Professional, lifelong learner, and keen mountain biker and she loves to laugh. When she isn't transforming clients lives you'll find her out riding in the beautiful Australian bushland looking for new exciting trails, or relaxing with her sweetie of 30 years, in their off-grid hideaway. She's also crazy about dogs, especially German Shephards and does house/pet-sitting for fun.

Say YES! to life on your terms...